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    Dynamic rivers draw with numerous loops and slowly running water through the landscape, if the nature is architect of the landscape, not man.

    The Taufers Valley with its Flood plains is a particular example in this jewel of South Tyrol.

    Unobstructed banks, hedges broad, dense reed beds and ponds provide habitat for over 260 species of birds and over 680 species of butterflies.
    On behalf of the Association “Naturtreff Eisvogel” with the President Klaus Graber a television film about the Ahrauen in South Tyrol was produced over almost four years. To the smallest detail animals were filmed such as the endangered “Blauflügel-Prachtlibelle”. Even the three rare species of crayfish are large staged. So arise among special animals such as the “Abendpfauenauge” and unusual plants such as the endangered “Schwanenblume” stunning images.

    This flora and fauna is protected by the Department of Hydraulic Engineering (“Abteilung Wasserschutzbauten”) of South Tyrol with the “Gewässerbetreuungskonzept Untere Ahr” with novel protective measures while effective flood insulation.